Saturday, September 3, 2016

Jimmy Fallon Leads Teens To His Home Because Of Pokemon Go Lure Module! Gaming News.

Probably just like you, Jimmy Fallon has been sucked into the addicting world of “Pokémon Go.” And in his pursuit to catch them all, Fallon accidentally discovered a creepy side effect. In the game you can use a lure to attract Pokémon to where you are. But that, in turn, can also attract fellow players seeking out those Pokémon. As he discussed on the Tonight Show, one night Fallon put up a lure to see what would happen. The next day, while speaking to a neighbor in the building’s elevator, he discovered that the previous night “like 100 kids” had gathered outside his building hoping to catch the Pokémon that his lure had enticed. The widespread appeal of “Pokémon Go” has hooked plenty of celebrities and many have documented their poke-hunting on social media.

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